Wednesday, December 19, 2012

AMA Guides Six edition Adopted by 16 States and 7 countries

AMA Guides Six edition Adopted by 16 States and 7 Countries
AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment Six edition Medical Software Applies World Health Organization’s Framework for Gauging Health and Disability, the Most Current International Classification of Function (ICF) Used by AMA Guides 6th Edition  
Impairment has no boundaries. It crosses age, race, ethnicity, and socio-economic status. In fact, there are about 56 million Americans who have learning, behavioral, developmental, and physical disabilities, profoundly impacting a person’s well-being and chances of living a normal and happy life.
The most current International Classification of Function (ICF) used by AMA Guides 6th Edition has been significant to medical organizations, and even the World Health Organization, in providing a more rational basis for defining impairment. In fact, the U.S. Federal Labor Department, 16 states, and 7 countries worldwide adopted it for effective impairment ratings to reduce conflict and ease resolution. These states, countries, and territories include:

§  Alaska
§  Arizona
§  Connecticut
§  Indiana
§  Louisiana
§  Mississippi
§  Montana
§  North Dakota
§  Rhode Island
§  New Mexico
§  Oklahoma
§  Pennsylvania
§  Tennessee
§  Wyoming
§  Puerto Rico
§  The Netherlands
§  South Africa
§  Australia
§  Hong Kong
§  Korea
§  New Zealand
§  Canadian Provinces and Territories


The AMA Guides 6th Edition has 17 chapters and 634 pages, a hybrid methodology that increases internal consistency, standardization, ease of application through a simplified process of rating. It aims to provide an accurate and unbiased assessment through valid and reliable definition. Moreover, it integrates clinical care principles to further understand the different types of impairments such as cognitive disability, mental illness, and hearing and visual difficulties. Disability Technology, Incorporated developed the software, applying the most current International Classification of Function (ICF), which the World Health Organization also uses.


The medical software is a clinical documentation and evaluation system designed by Disability Technology, Incorporated. It uses a proprietary electronic algorithm that produces full-referenced and easy-to-read reports and forms. It is designed based on the new AMA Guides 6th Edition to effectively quantify the extent of impairment and/or injuries. It is used by the U.S. Federal Labor Department, 16 states, and 7 countries worldwide and has improved the services of doctors, hospitals, attorneys, state and federal agencies in accomplishing diversified medical solutions.

For any question, please call Disability Technology Inc at 972-716-9595


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